Assembly, Tampo printing, labelling, packing and delivery to the final customer are some of the functions undertaken as value added activities for our clients.
In order to offer you the best price and maximum flexibility, we can manufacture your plastic mouldings in larger quantities and hold a balance in stock for you to call-off as required. PLAMEGA is well equipped to inventory finished goods in order to assure just-in-time services.
EPS products are used for the special packaging, building blocks or other home appliance. EPS is also used in the construction industry for insulation and void fill.
PLAMEGA produce Expanded PolyStyrene (EPS) shape moulded products in various shapes. Expanded polystyrene (EPS) is a moulded product using steam and pressure to fuse the beads together for a rigid closed cell and plastic foam product.
The maximum dimensions of the EPS product 1550 x 1260 x 380 mm.